The morning began with no power. It happened as soon as I reached for the remote to turn on a little Olympic action. Of course. After giving the hotel about 15 minutes while Brad showered in the dark, I called down to the front desk. "Oh honey, it's not the hotel - it's the whole town." Huh? How does an entire town lose power when there's no bad weather and seemingly has been no accident? Sigh...
So yes, the power came back on. Brad casually asked the front desk as he checked us out, "Is there a Starbucks in town?" Shocker, there's no Starbucks in Winnemucca. But there is a Delizioso Espresso (yes, that's how it's spelled), which I shall henceforth refer to as "Nobucks." It sufficed.
Now, how do you know you're not in California anymore? You get pulled over for driving 12 miles/hour over the speed limit. Come on, where's the Basic Speed Law when you need it? And then, when the officer comes to the car (while Moby is barking ferociously at him), he is more concerned about the fact that Avis actually rents out SUVs than the matter at hand - Brad getting his first speeding ticket. Ultimately, it was reduced to 5 miles/hour over. Lame.
So as we made our way considerably more slowly, things were actually quite lovely. We enjoyed a nice lunch stop at Angel Lake in Nevada (pictured above), where Moby met some other dogs. And then it was onward to Salt Lake City.
Here's the weird thing - I might love it here! Maybe it's the awesome Kimpton hotel we're in tonight in the much more happening than expected downtown...maybe it's the good burger place we went to...maybe...maybe it's the Olympics. Holy crap, between Michael Phelps the dolphin-man and the men's gymnastics team that fields a group with a Prince Harry look-alike, these games are incredible! I am screaming and shouting at the tv and actually coming up with my own deductions for the Chinese routines that are, by the way, like flawless. Whatever. Their coach just claimed he'd jump off the highest building in Beijing if they didn't take Gold. Come ON, that's a little dramatic, no? Meanwhile, the American men are chest-bumping and exclaiming, "That's how we roll!" about the Bronze. Hey, it's all about perspective.
Brad got a speeding ticket? Well just wait until you get to Montana where some roads don't have limits - drive really fast and stick your head out the window like Moby would do!
Tell me you went to Hires in Salt Lake City for that burger. If not, maybe go there. The burgers are the best.
Also, get some onion rings and a rootbeer float.
They have their own brand of rootbeer, that's how you know it's good.
Also, it's really good.
Have fun! And no speeding.
Awww, finally a picture of my favorite Ramey-Presner. He looks so happy. I can't believe Brad has never had a speeding ticket!
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