Thursday, September 4, 2008

Model Behavior

Thursdays have officially become my "me" day - you know, as opposed to all the other days of the week when I'm stamping out world hunger. Today, that meant another visit to the hair salon, and a trip downtown to meet Brad for lunch - in the Google NYC building. That was bizarre - because instead of going to the 4th floor as I've done many times to head up to Google, I went to the 3rd floor, where the Acumen Fund is located - and where Brad works.

There are notable differences between the Acumen Fund office and the Google office:

1) Lack of dudes walking around wearing headsets and swinging golf clubs.
2) A kitchen with no actual food products.
3) Shared bathrooms that are located in the hallway and require a key (sometimes, you're just going to have to hold it).

After mingling for a bit, we headed to lunch at Pastis, where the best steak sandwich on earth resides (and, coincidentally, a "refill" is actually a free additional beverage!). And as we sat there, it hit me - this part of town is FULL of models. Everywhere you look, there's a tall, skinny chick wearing expensive-looking layers of crap on a 90-degree day that feels like 100 degrees. Their arms nearly break as they carry giant tote bags that hold their portfolios. Frankly, I have no idea what they're doing in Pastis, since that's an actual dining establishment - and as I discovered later in the day, they all drink their meals at Starbucks.

Post-lunch, I made my way down Washington to 14th to spend some time with my good friends Diane (von Furstenberg) and Scoop - and then wave at, but not actually talk to, Stella (McCartney). As I'm walking along the quiet street, I hear, "Model! Model!" I keep walking, thinking, "Yes, yes, they're everywhere...sigh." Then again, "Model!" I turn around to spot someone, and I just see the guy calling out. He looks at me - I look at him. "Are you?" he asks. Realizing his implication at this point, and finding great humor in his enthusiasm and lack of subtlety, I placate him and nod. What comes out of his mouth next is priceless:

"Naomi Campbell?!"

I can't roll with this one - she's a violent, assistant-beating, cell phone-throwing, community service-mandated lunatic. I shake my head. And then, seemingly in an effort to prevent me from developing a complex about the mix-up, he reassuringly yells, "Gettin' there!"

I'll take that.


FinnyKnits said...

Wow, Kluv - you're taking NY by storm!

Since you can eat a sandwich and be a super model and all...

HoosierHoney said...

Pastis has these deslish goat cheese apps with tomato if you happen to go back for dinner! But maybe just eat half if you are a supermodel.