Raise your hand if you are sick of this election and feel like the campaigning has dragged out for an inane amount of time. Yeah, exactly. And now John McCain wants to take it to the sidelines to deal with the economy - you know, that thing he said was "fundamentally strong?" Nice try, gramps.
I'm sure this new-found desire of McCain's to focus on the economic crisis has nothing to do with the fact that he has slid in recent voter polls to 43% vs. Obama's 52%, ostensibly because no one trusts the multiple homeowner to understand the ills of those dependent on actual paychecks. And I'm sure his suggestion that Friday's debate be cancelled is completely unrelated to fears that he will be over-matched, and challenged to answer questions he could gloss over before in favor of the war topic.
First of all, please tell me what kind of president is incapable of balancing both market challenges, however extreme, and preparation for a debate - simultaneously? It's like being a college student and asking your history professor to extend the paper deadline because you have an econ midterm the same day. I mean, really, it's not exactly a "one thing at a time" kinda job - so seems like now would be as good a time as any to prove to the American people you can freakin' multi-task.
Second of all, does McCain really think that anyone's dumb enough to see this transparent move as an attempt to take the higher road and put America first? Okay, sadly yes, plenty of people are dumb enough. But these are the same dumb people who respond to commercials suggesting that Obama likened Sarah Palin to a pig - so if I were McCain's campaign manager, I'd make sure we were blanketing tv screens with as many more hyperbolically false anti-Obama ads as possible - not SUSPENDING them!
And third - oh, hell - third, can we just go ahead and hand the presidency to Obama and cut out all the formalities? Because seriously, if he can't win this thing under these circumstances, the election is officially rigged.
I suspect McCain will soon also propose that we push Election Day out from the first Tuesday of November to, say, next June. That should give him enough time to dig in on the economy, wrap it up, put a nice bow on it, and rocket back up in the polls - right? And as an added bonus, it'll give the Palinator more time to learn about important things, like the world and stuff.
Thankfully, in T-minus-29, W will be on-air to lay all of our concerns to rest. I'm so glad we have a president who's totally in control and really knows what he's doing and will make it all okay. It makes this whole 2008 election thing seem like not even that urgent or anything at all.
Okay-I agree with your post on all counts. But of all the pictures out there on Google Images, did you have to use that photo??? TP says it is a thinly veiled insult directed specifically at him.
Oh those Michigan people can't possibly STILL be sensitive about this little incident now can they? I mean come on, I've gotten over The Play and Hail Flutie, so tell him it's time to move on.
Past is prologue, my friend. Did the banners not fall from the rafters? How can I move on...when the whole Michigan franchise is now more at stake than ever? I can't even rely on a Big Ten title in Football anymore. The apocalypse is upon us.
It's a tough penalty to pay for recruiting for the short-term glory, my friend. Perhaps Harbaugh had a point afterall...
"Michigan is a good school and I got a good education there, but the athletic department has ways to get borderline guys in, and when they're in, they steer them to courses in sports communications. They're adulated when they're playing, but when they get out, the people who adulated them won't hire them."
Harbaugh is an idiot...thus we left him to the Cardinal and brought in a maverick from West Virginia. The Wolverines showed poise and a savvy swagger pn Saturday, I hadn't seen under the Carr regime. IT may be a tough few years till we get the right recuits into the new system...but, Michigan may be the next USC. Who wouldn't want to wear that helmet?
Dude, are you bi-polar? One minute the apocalypse is upon us and the whole Michigan franchise is crumbling before our eyes. The next minute, the dawn of a glorious new era is upon us.
Rodriguez is a maverick, eh? Maybe he should hire Sarah Palin to be a new assistant coach. She should be free in about 5 weeks.
See my post of Sept. 28th, 9:56am...you'll see the swing is not as violent was you would have the readership of this fine blog believe. UofM still knocked off a top 10 team, down 19 points with only a half left to play. Yes...I did continue to see flashes of brilliance. When you're back in SF, we should go to a Stanford game. I've always wanted to check it out.
We leave on Saturday, back about 9 or 10 days later. We already bought tickets for the 'SC game on 11/15. You should get a ticket and join us. It may be an ugly massacre, but hey, the stadium is pretty.
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