It's hard to believe, but our last week in New York begins today. Next Saturday, we'll be hitting the road again, this time dropping south (but not nonsense Mississippi/Alabama kinda south) to make our way home.
While I can't say I'm excited to go back to work (come on, you wouldn't be either), I do feel like our time here has been well spent and the expiration date is appropriate. The weather is starting to rear its ugly side (spitting drizzle and blanketing the city in heavy humidity with zero sunshine); my month-long workout pass just ran out, relegating me to a 7-day package; and my unlimited month Metrocard laughed at me when I swiped it today (Really, is it necessary for the reader to say, "Insufficient Funds?" It's not like I bounced a check - geez.)
This week, we'll be squeezing in as much as we can to make the most of our time. Amongst the significant planned activities are:
-Finally catching the documentary "Trouble the Water," about Hurricane Katrina.
-Dining at Gotham Bar & Grill.
-My final spa treatment (sniff).
-A second trip to Di Fara Pizza with a group too large to actually be seated.
-Mary J. Blige featuring Robin Thicke at Radio City Music Hall.
Of course, I'll work in the usual exercise, hair appointment and mani/pedi. But then we'll be packing up, loading another SUV (sorry, Earth), and bidding goodbye to Ben and his friends. Bittersweet, indeed.
As I reflect on the highlights (Barneys!) and lowlights (Pigeon Lady), it's certainly been an amazing 5+ weeks so far, not to mention the 2 weeks that preceeded it. But for any who are wondering what the answer to that lingering question in the back of your head may be...
There's no $@T%$@^$!#) way we're moving here. Ever.
California, here we come!
hurry home!
have you gotten on Cash Cab yet?
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