Today was another good day. But I have to say, had my first day here begun with my doctor showing up the way he looked today, I might have been outta here. Imagine little Isaac Mizrahi rolling up in a distressed tshirt with whale-print shorts, socks way too high and sneakers. I'm pretty sure when he walked in the room, I made a bit of a face and said, "Oh wow."
Outfit aside, the doc scored major points with me today. He not only freed me once again from the constraints of the IV, but removed the Hep-Lock from my arm so I no longer have any needles anywhere. The Hep-Lock was previously in place so they could very easily reattach the IV if necessary. But the drawback of that is it can weaken even the best of veins, which is not good when they need to draw blood, for example. So the consensus is that in a pinch, they can still get an IV going very quickly with my veins of steel (no, seriously - it's kinda weird how excited they get when they look at my veins to draw my blood).
I still have some sporadic uterine activity going on, but there's less concern about it now because it seems pretty apparent there's nothing really happening. There are a few theories on what this is: 1) Typical contractions a woman at my stage of pregnancy experiences 2) The baby moving - because I've felt like Mitch Gaylord has set up camp in my belly the last couple of days 3) The result of my small frame - apparently, those with, um, "more layers between the baby and the body" have a cushion that prevents every little movement from being picked up by the monitor. But I have my own theory - there's a lot of crap happening inside of me, such as, you know, harboring a life - and yes, it makes my uterus "irritable." I'm not sure why we need medical experts to explain this very simple phenomenon.
Another piece of great news delivered today was that I in fact do get that trip to Perinatology that I was hoping for! That's scheduled for Tuesday and...drumroll please...I get to ride in a wheelchair! I won't say too much on this subject because I don't want to ruin what I foresee to be the excitement of Tuesday's post. But picture a lot of stalling on my part when we are outside.
Last but not least, my mom made a run to Target today and returned with 2-pound weights for me to get an upper body workout. It's time for this bed rest nonsense to get a little more civilized. Word to my Bar Method girls - if I can do it, you certainly can - so get your butts in class!
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