Winnipeg? Winnipoo? Winniwhat? Wikipedia. These are all of the names we assigned to our first destination, Winnemucca. There's not much to say about this city except that it's in Nevada and it's not Vegas or Reno.
But don't you dare think for a moment there wasn't excitement in getting here. Hello, Truckee. Oh Truckee, little quaint town next to Tahoe. How lovely you seemed as we drove through "downtown." Old saloon-type-looking places and all sorts of things you expect to see at the Western show at Knotts Berry Farm. Fantastic.
And look, there's our spot, the "Truckee Diner." It has outdoor seating for us and Moby - it'll be perfect. So we sit. And we scan the gross menu and settle on really not even average food. Another group shows up - a mom, her two daughters, and their two chihuahuas. And all is going as expected until...WHOA! Why is that SUV fish-tailing totally out of control down the street, screeching, guys inside screaming, and...HOLY CRAP! They just plowed into that parked car! And wait...oh no he did not just back up into another parked car and proceed to TAKE OFF...down a DEAD-END STREET. Oh, snap.
The owners of those cars are now outside. A blockade has been created with a van and people standing in the street (see photo above). And here comes the po-po...turning the wrong way down the street, away from the actual scene of the crime. How they did not notice the mass of people in the street and the obvious bruhaha, I have no idea. But suffice it to say, hit-and-attempted-run man is about to have a very, very bad day.
It's tough to top that, but other highlights along the way included a billboard advertising a "Free Pool Party" Wednesdays and Fridays at the Sands Resort. I'm not sure who they are inviting, by the way. But that can't be good. And of course, another billboard advertised the "Pussycat Ranch" where "Truckers are Welcome" for bar, massage and...ranch. This is so awesome. It's not the Mustang Ranch or even the Bunny Ranch I'm way too familiar with from HBO documentaries, but it's an animal ranch of some sort - I'm satisfied.
And so tonight, we lay our heads at the Red Lion Hotel and Casino. Roar.
Too Fun! I eagerly await the next installment and a series of Yelp! reviews along the way...
Thanks for making sure we're in the know - it takes the sting out of not having you here... (a little)
I love it! And honestly, if this is the way things have begun, I can't imagine it getting much better than this, so hold on for the ride!
Here's to Wapeewoo, NV! Can't wait to hear more,
Lauren OB
Nothing quite like po-dunk Nevada... enjoy =)
I would tell you what is going on at the Pussycat Ranch but the website says it contains "nudity and adult language."
Is there a map function you can add to blogger? I want to see just how close you come to Indiana.
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