In the few days we've been here, the people of the City have delivered as expected with quirks and craziness. From the miscommunication that led to my lip wax yesterday; to the sweet but insane lady, Sharon, we met at Riverside Park with her freshly blow-dried dog; to the weed-smokers in the unit below with the little terrier, who try to mask the odor of their habit with floral air freshener like an ABC after-school special ...everybody's got their...something.
One sight that delights every time is the way New Yorkers run down the subway train, as though there's not another one coming in 3 minutes. They say if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere...but I'm pretty sure these people couldn't make it in San Francisco, where you actually might wait 1/2 hour for your bus or train to show up...and where the bus driver might look you in the eye through the closed glass doors as you bang on them to get on...and drive away. I keep pulling a San Francisco and giving myself 30-45 minutes to go 4 stops, because I can't come to grips with the fact that the train comes within an instant, and doesn't ever get stuck underground. For the first time in my life, I'm on time...even early!
Today was another trip to Exhale Spa, this time for yoga - which was fantastic. The staff already knows me by name - I love them. That was followed by an unfortunately poor hot pastrami sandwich at a place called "Bread Factory Cafe" that needs to be renamed, simply, "Factory Cafe." Don't they call it "New York Pastrami" for a reason? Meh.
Okay, so you know I couldn't make it through a post without an off-topic rant. And the subject of my rant today is "Hillary Clinton supporters who have lost their shit." Now I am not hating on Hillary or her supporters. Minus the presence of Obama, I'd be one of her backers. She's smart and experienced, and I think she could make a strong President - in spite of Wild Bill.
But here's the thing - she's not going to be the President - because she lost the Democratic Primary. Now believe you me, if Obama had lost the Primary, I'd have been beside myself. But because I am not a 7-year-old, I would not pout and throw down my ballot and proclaim, "So I'm just not going to vote!" Nor would I jump the party ship (assuming I'm not an Independent, which I'm not) and pledge my eternal love to Old Man McCain. I would - and I know this is a crazy concept - just vote for the candidate whose point of view most closely matched that of Obama...so I'd vote for Hillary.
Why is this such a difficult concept for people? And what's with the declaration that Obama somehow "disrespected her?" He should have stomped that bi-atch when she said all he had in terms of experience was a "2002 speech" (mind you, it was 2004), which the McCain campaign is now thanking her for. And Obama should have stomped Bill when he pronounced Obama's run a "fairytale." Perhaps this is why I'm never running for President - because I call people "bi-atch" and refer to "stomping them." Okay, and there are probably some other reasons I'm never running for President. But I digress. Let's see what our girl has to say tonight to talk her people off the ledge.
Side note: Lots have been curious as to what our dwelling looks like - it's pictured above. We enter through the set of the doors on the left.
1 comment:
RE: Hillary's supporters
Why are they all such whiney beotches that need to be comforted and have their issues "validated" before they can just move over and vote for Obama?
As though they're really going to go with another option like
A.) Not voting at all
B.) Voting for McCain
C.) Writing in Mickey Mouse
Seriously though - you can buy Lululemon at your gym?
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