Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We're Leaving...On a Jet Plane...

...We don't know when we'll be back again...

I'm not sure there's much to this post aside from...


Assuming all stays the course, Dylan will be cleared for discharge tomorrow. Yes, we already have plane tickets in hand. We'll be returning to San Francisco on Friday, to give ourselves a couple of days to settle in with Dylan outside of a hospital. Meanwhile, my sister, brother-in-law and niece are driving up from LA tomorrow with Moby! Many thanks to them, the Presners and the Minniears, with whom Moby lived a true leisureman's lifestyle for 2 months. How we will replicate 2-hour day hikes, I have no idea, but we'll do our best to accommodate his needs.

So naturally, having been here at Joe DiMaggio for 3 weeks, we're doing everything necessary for discharge in this single day (despite having tried in vain to get some of this stuff done a week ago). And once he is discharged tomorrow, he's all ours until we leave on Friday. Please note that we will continue to stay across the street from the hospital, just in case - and it's not Dylan I'm worried about, by the way.

But really, we feel comfortable with him, and the real challenge is now behind us, of course! Sure, it won't be necessarily awesome living in a double occupancy hotel room, packing up all of the additional things we've had to procure on this trip and getting to the airport 3 hours early Friday morning - but it will get us home - and that's all that matters at this point. Will things be perfect when we get there? Not even close. We will just barely have nursery furniture, if we're lucky (mind you, we ordered this at the end of August). Boxes belonging to Dylan are strewn all over the house. The collection of mail will be scary. And our alarm system may or may not work, considering that it was apparently set off by "sunlight" or "a giant bug" the other day (but that's what Moby is for).

So wish us luck over the next few days as we gather our lives and begin to look (fondly?) upon this journey as a distant memory, never to be forgotten!


Anonymous said...

This post tops them all! Freeeeedom!!! :)

Unknown said...

I laughed out loud at the house alarm that was "set off by 'sunlight.'"

This is soooooo amazing!!! I'm so happy for you guys and for Dylan! Home Sweet Home is in the horizon!

Ms. Toole said...

Best of luck on your trip home, and thanks for documenting your story on this blog. I've laughed out loud, gotten teary-eyed, and, occasionally, gagged. I look forward to reading more, and to meeting Dylan.

FinnyKnits said...

SAFEsafe travels to you all three.

And may Moby summarily kill any giant bugs lurking in your house.
