I'm writing this on a cocktail of 800mg of Motrin and who knows how much Percocet. So we're going to make it very, very brief before I pass out and/or say something awkward - like, awkward, even for me.
I'm being discharged tomorrow - Halelujah! And Dylan's surgery is scheduled for late morning at Joe DiMaggio's Children Hospital about 1/2 hour away in Hollywood. He should be in excellent hands there.
Tomorrow, Brad and I, plus my mom and his brother Todd, will move into a condo a couple of miles from the hospital. The hospital is also providing us with free, on-campus housing that we will use simply for basic conveniences.
We expect Dylan to fully recover and be ready to head home in 2-3 weeks if there are no complications. So that Thanksgiving arrival date is no longer on the horizon. But hey, we've been here this long...what's a little while longer?
Stay tuned for more updates from this incredible saga. While my posts will no longer feature long diatribes about molesting nurses and general invasions of privacy (the USC chop-chop doctor walked in on me pumping today - behind the drawn curtain in my room - even after I'd hollered, "One moment please!"), I'm sure the residents of Hollywood, FL will offer plenty of food for thought...
Hi. Congrats! Good looking boy. Best of luck on the operation. Uncle Don
hooray for freedom!!!
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