As the Dow falls, the unemploy-ment rate rises, and the housing bubble bursts, even the most optimistic are now throwing in the towel and declaring the recession we already knew we were in. Let's face it - compared to this, 2001 was a party. So as the economy fizzles...how are the wealthy coping?
Times are tough for them, too.
On Friday, I received a special email from Heidi Says, a women's designer boutique in Pacific Heights that caters to the fashion-whipped and Amex-equipped. In short, this email thanked me for my patronage, letting me know how rewarding it is for them to "play a part in [my] quest to be well-dressed." My God, I feel like together, we've been curing cancer. But see, Heidi recognizes that current times are trying. Hubby may not be getting that big bonus this year. How can one possibly continue to keep up old habits?
Heidi understands. And that's why Heidi is now not only willing to match prices on their items I find elsewhere (a, by the way, totally basic retail courtesy) - they may even grant me a discount to buy it from them instead! AND (drumroll please), if I make a purchase of $400 or more between now and December 24th, they will grant me a $100 savings. $100! That's 25% off or less! Wow. So what they're telling me is that during these hard times, they are joining the legions of retailers who have, for years, held holiday sales in the name of Black Friday. I'm speechless.
It doesn't stop there. Signs of the wealthy's suffering are hitting even closer to home. When out for a walk with Brad and Moby the other night, I noticed that one of the neighborhood houses already had Christmas lights up - gross! When I called this to Brad's attention, he informed me of a deal the Christmas light installers are extending to the community.
Time out: Yes - there are companies that hang your Christmas lights for you, except that they call it an "installation" so that they can charge you a lot of money for an otherwise simple job for Dad.
Apparently, if you have your installation done during the month of November, they will grant you a significant discount. Now, this is quite a pickle for the wealthy. On the one hand, their portfolios are dwindling and they could really use the help. On the other hand, lights up before December? Now everyone is pointing at you as the tacky people who don't respect Thanksgiving.
It's unclear how the wealthy are going to weather the storm. But the generous boutique sales and premature decorating are early signs of the apocalpyse. I'm bracing for the worst.
I'm considering offering my services as a Christmas-light UNinstaller.
And it need not be your own house from which the lights are uninstalled.
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