In Long Island, a temporary Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death in a Black Friday stampede as he opened the doors at 5 a.m. That same day, two men shot each other dead at a Palm Desert Toys R Us.
Isn't it ironic that during this time economic experts are referring to as the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression...and during this time when terrorists have descended upon Mumbai, India in a crusade to kill mostly American and British tourists...and during this time when Bangkok area airports are shut down and in danger of losing billions of dollars due to unruly anti-government protesters....that people are killing each other in a quest for material bullshit? Are people really so blind to the world around them that they can't even see the dying person they're stepping on and over to get to the plasma TV aisle?
Our society is sick. People don't even know exactly what they're lining up outside of these stores for. They just know there is stuff inside that may cost less than it did yesterday - and they've decided they need it right now. Never mind the fact that not once in the history of supply-and-demand have retailers ceased to sell things to people who are willing to buy them. "Get it while it lasts!" Well, idiots, "while it lasts" is "as long as you're willing to pay for it."
Meanwhile, these same people sit down at elaborate Thanksgiving Day dinners with their families, going through the motions of the holiday with their yada-yada-thanks. They bow their heads and they pray...right before they line up outside of Best Buy.
Brad and I spent Thanksgiving with my mom, sister and niece. I went out the next day with my mom, as is tradition for me...at 3:00 in the afternoon. And I got some great deals no one was harmed for. On Saturday, when Brad and I went TV shopping, there were plenty for sale. Sure, some of the best deals were sold out - but guess what? There are more on the way. Because in America, there's ALWAYS more to be had.
It will be interesting to see if these sales carry on next year in their current form. Retailers with a conscience may choose to discontinue the practice. But more likely, they will make feeble attempts to safeguard themselves against this sort of bad press, still feeding the frenzy of old-fashioned holiday greed.
Merry Christmas.